- ASCA’s marketing team contacted Feast to help create a healthy meal resource that could be used by volunteers in tuckshops across Australia. The project aimed at using recipes created by ‘The sassy chef’ and director at the Institute of Culinary Excellence (ICE) Alison Taafe.
- The challenge was going to be co-ordinating all involved with such busy schedules, so we decided to shoot Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays over a period of a month, to allow the whole team the ability to keep on top of other ongoing commitments.
- Feast worked with the provided recipe list to create a shoot schedule that would flow seamlessly. This needed to keep in mind the time we would have with Alison on set.
- A rough mock-up of the cookbook was drafted and printed; props and surfaces were decided on to match specific recipes, and the pre-production was complete, ready for the next stage.
- After a half day bump in to set up the studio and organise props and surfaces to suit the shoot schedule, we began the epic task of bringing our preparation to affect.
- After each shot was created, the resulting image was inserted in the mock-up to keep a track of propping and styling combinations and to ensure the book was looking good and on track. This was carefully monitored by Liza Hammond and Alison Williams from ASCA.
- The end result was a 280-page visual feast of healthy, easy recipes and a happy client.
- The Feast team are privileged to have had the opportunity to work with such talented individuals. We’re also proud to have been a part of creating something that will benefit the health of school children and make the lives of those who volunteer a little more easy and fun.